Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hunters in the snow

#3 The most sympathetic of the three characters would have t be frank. Even though nun of the characters are really sympathetic because they are hunters. No single character has all the power all the time. But each has most of the power at a giving time. Kenny had most of the power in the begging because he was driving the truck. Then tub had the power at the end of the story. Yes the balance of power and alliances between characters shifts as the story goes on.

#7 The purpose of the scene when they leave kenny in the back of truck as they go to the tavern is to show that they don't care what happens to kenny. Franks insights aren't remorse or genuine because if they were he be out there in the cold trying to help his friend survive.

#8 The appropriate conclusion to the story is that Kenny dies at the end. The final statement being made about the characters is that they don't really care what happens to their friend.

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